Sunday, August 29, 2010

Campaign Trail Update

First the really great news--I have been endorsed by the Montgomery County Gazette Newspapers! That is exciting news and has really energized me and my campaign team; not that we weren't out there in an active fashion, but it is always good to have validation of ones' beliefs and efforts. Go to the home page on my campaign website to find the link to the editorial and to some excerpts from my recent appearance on Charles Duffy's Political Pulse interview show.

This has been a week of contrasts--our last public debate was held this week in the Goshen area; once again the message I was sending from my "can do" campaign was seen to be resonating with the voters in attendance. My common sense message of getting the job done is being heard. My voice speaking out strongly for accountability and fiscal restraint is also being appreciated. The voters have voiced their approval of my firm message of independence and of not being tied to special interests. They do appreciate that my election will give them someone who will hear their messages and address their concerns.

Another event was the Seneca Potomac Democratic clubs annual Ice Cream Social, a gathering in Montgomery Village for candidates, voters and elected officials alike. It is the best type of event, good people, few long speeches and lots of ice cream!

Sometimes one hears poignant stories when door knocking. This week I spoke with two women who had been treated for breast cancer. One voiced concerns about insurability and follow-up care and told me of her struggles; she fortunately has had no complications. The other was a woman whose breast cancer has metastasized to her brain and her time with us is limited. Still she told me that she would plan on giving me her vote. My heart went out to both of these courageous women; their outlooks were positive and they each could smile. I had to walk away blinking back tears.

It is for people such as these that I have served as a nurse and been an advocate for better health care coverage for everyone. Can we as a country promise these women and their families anything less?

This week the council candidates have a meet and greet in Montgomery Village and a TV taping of a live Q&A on Channel 21 sponsored by the League of Women Voters. I do not know when the show will air but look at the campaign home page for updates. Soon candidate PSAs will be shown on MCPTV. Look for mine!

The push to Primary Day is getting even tighter--early voting will begin on September 3. Upcounty sites are at the Germantown Recreation Center and the Bauer Drive Rec. Center off Norbeck Road. Absentee ballots have already been sent out, so if you have requested one--you should have it soon.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Samosas, Enchiladas, Hummus and Rice

For ten years I taught in work-force development at Montgomery College.

During those years students from more than 80 countries participated in these classes and went on to find good jobs in the local economy. At the end of each class we held sessions where the students practiced interviewing for a job; I helped them deal with presentation and how to answer questions which are sometimes difficult and sometimes not allowed. Since this was at the end of the semester, we also celebrated the collective accomplishments with students--and teacher--bringing in food.

The tables would be covered with offerings from multiple cultures as members brought in some of their favorites. No one cared that we mixed Jasmine rice and sticky rice or that vegetarian dishes sat along side poultry and fish. We had naan and other flatbreads, hummus in many flavors, sauces that were mild and spicy; samosas were enjoyed on the same plate as chicken enchiladas. Beans and rice, spring rolls and salads, and of course, desserts were among our choices.

This is, of course, a picture of our changing county in miniature. As a county, we are learning about many cultures in different ways. Food is certainly an interesting way to do this. Restaurant options have greatly expanded in Montgomery County; one no longer has to go downtown to find "foreign" foods. Cuisines from around the world are now easily available in many county areas. Montgomery College indicates it serves students from more than 180 countries; it has nurtured an international student body and this can be seen in on campus food options and visually, in many forms of dress.

As I campaign across District 2, I am again encountering many of these people from diverse cultures. When I knock at a door, I may encounter a woman in a flowing sari or wearing an African headdress. I also hear from them, their excitement, as they indicate that this year may be their first chance to truly participate in the American rite of electoral politics--for the first time they will cast their vote. Some will place a sign outside their home, indicating that they, too, are taking their place and planting a stake not only in their yard, but in their new country. Some are also running for office and our ballot choices will reflect this in several races. I welcome their entry into the new county that we are weaving together from this world wide mosaic of cultures.

The Primary is only a bit more than 4 weeks away and days are becoming crowded. Do let me know if you, too, would like a yard sign or wish to walk with me in your neighborhood. Remember for upcounty residents, the closest early voting sites will be in the Germantown Recreation Center and at the Bauer Drive Recreation Center in Rockville. Early voting starts September 3rd and will be held through the 10th, including Labor Day, but not held on Sunday.