Monday, September 13, 2010

Decision time is here

It is now time for the voters to speak. The campaign has been vigorous and long. We have shaken hands, knocked on doors, and spoken before groups, large and small. Council at large candidates and District candidates have debated issues and answered questions from concerned residents. Campaign signs have littered roadways and street corners across the county. Mailings have been sent, reviving the postal service coffers and burdening our mail carriers.

The next step belongs to the informed voter. Have we heard your voices; addressed your concerns? Have I, as a candidate answered your questions? Do you still have the faith that the “system” and your government can and will work for you? I do, and that is the backbone of my campaign; that your local government should work to serve the community. I was raised in a town in Massachusetts which still has the local town meeting to address local concerns, so I believe in participatory democracy. That cannot easily translate to a county of one million people, but it does mean that I understand and will feel the pulse of the various communities that comprise District 2. From Barnesville and Sandy Spring to Germantown, Montgomery Village, and Olney, and other communities large and small, District 2 has many voices; I pledge to listen to each of you. I have lived here for more than 30 years and raised my two children here. I have seen Montgomery County double in population, become more urban and more diverse. I have been a part of the fabric of this community and met many of you through my many business, volunteer, civic and political activities.

I promise to each of you that my door will be open and I will take the time necessary to make your county work for you. I will use your dollars wisely and conserve our resources. I will work to help our small businesses and protect our environment. I am not a tool of the special interests; you – the voters – are my special interest. Please go to the polls on Tuesday, give me your vote and allow me to serve you, your friends and neighbors.

Sharon Dooley

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