Friday, May 7, 2010

Out and About in Montgomery

The last few weeks have been very busy for my campaign, so I am a bit behind on the updates here. Sunday a week ago saw me at the NAACP Freedom Fund annual dinner. The Lt. Governor was the keynote speaker. I took some photos - will get them posted soon. The event was held in the beautiful new event room at Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Rockville.

I attended the District 15 annual legislative wrap-up dinner at Normandie Farms Restaurant in Potomac; enjoyed good food, great conversations and terrific popovers! Thanks to Daphne Bloomberg for her leadership!

Then on to the Western Montgomery Citizens Association the next night in Potomac where 3 MCPS students demonstrated their winning Science Fair projects...the younger generations are definitely getting smarter! I was quite impressed. We also heard the Legislative round-up from the D15 legislators-(whom I had also heard the night before.) There were also 4 women there of extraordinary achievement: Liza Durant the group President and energizer, Diana Conway, the quite effective President of the Montgomery Countryside Alliance, Ginny Barnes, who was recently acknowledged as one of the county's Premier environmentalists over the last 40 years since Earth Day Also in attendance were Joe Horgan and has wife Diane Cameron, the storm water management guru. We do have many people who help make this county special.

Friday evening saw me dressed up and celebrating at the Black Rock Arts Center Gala. My friend Tom Hoffman, a former board member, was being honored; it was fun to celebrate with him and his family in such a beautiful setting. I met lots of really nice people, bid on some silent auction items...and won a couple. I am looking forward to their summer lawn concerts again this year.

Sunday evening saw me at the Annual Democratic Spring Ball (dressed up again) where awards were the order of the evening and faithful Dems were rewarded for their service. Hats off to each of the award winners! Even got a bit of dancing in! And of course I had more good food!

Well, I will keep you updated on my travels around the District...let me know of places I should go...come with me if it is your group. Politics can be fun you know!

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