Thursday, June 3, 2010

Out and About

Well I can hardly believe it has been about a month since I updated this blog. Time has gone by very quickly and the campaign is really picking up speed. Of course, if you have time on your hands, I can probably find some doors for you to help me knock on or envelopes that need stuffing!

Mothers Day saw me at the opening of the Olney Farmers Market where my daughter Hillary and I watched Warren Brown of Cake Love demonstrate – and sample - some of his famous cakes, then we went out for a Mothers Day Brunch! Some days one just has to be a Mom!

I joined the Civic Federation at their annual awards ceremony and dinner held at the Universities of Shady Grove. About 100 people helped them celebrate their heritage as a civic group that has existed for about 80 years. Congrats to Peggy Dennis – President – and to all of their awardees.

The Potomac Hunt called to me on a beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon as I traveled to Poolesville to watch the races on grass at the Kiplinger fields. Some races were jumping races (over timber it is said) and others were flat out races. Old and young watched, tailgated and cheered. I got to meet and greet …and eat – of course. Thanks to Peter and Cindy Eeg for their hospitality.

Mother Nature rained on the Olney Days celebration and the fireworks, so we did not get to march in the Parade as planned, but I did get a chance to stop by the Rocketeria sponsored Rock Concert at their parking lot stage under a sunny sky, finally. It is always great to see talented youth, and work with those in Project Change, who make such a difference in our county. Congrats also to Arianna and Dave, two talented adults who have taken their knowledge and musical abilities and created a small business teaching music at their store which is now a vibrant part of the community. We often decry the reality of all of our communities looking alike with national chains dominating the commerce, but when there are individuals who realize their dreams for their small businesses, the community should step up and support them as the task of continuing ones own dream can be difficult.

Memorial Day was a weekend for memories; Rolling Thunder again came to town, reminding me yet again of my late brother who served in Vietnam and all those who served before and since.

It was also a time for door knocking as I got out and about the county. Let me know when you would like to join in the fun; meeting voters is always one of the best parts of campaigning! (Contact me here).

This weekend – June 5th I’m off to the Strawberry Festival at the Sandy Spring Museum; always one of the most delicious of events – come on over!

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